Estimados colegas y amigos:
Tenemos el agrado de anunciar el 67º encuentro de la red Strings@Ar, a realizarse el jueves 25 de agosto en el IAFE, Ciudad Universitaria de Buenos Aires, CABA.
El programa se detalla a continuación:
9:45-10:00hs Apertura
10:00-11:00hs Damián Galante
"Shape dependence of holographic Rényi entropies"
Rényi entropies in a QFT can be computed in principle using the replica
trick, which amounts to the insertion of a co-dimension two twist
operator in the path-integral. In a conformal field theory in the vacuum
state, the effect of small shape deformations around a spherical or
flat entangling surface is encoded in a piece of CFT data associated to
this defect. A method to extract this quantity holographically in
general dimensions is described. The result of this computation shows
that previous conjectures (based on free field theory results) do not
hold for holographic theories. Based on arXiv:1607.07418.
11:00-11:30hs Cafe
11:30-12:30hs Emmanuel Malek
"EFT, gauged SUGRAs and dualising IIA/IIB truncations"
I will review the basics of exceptional field theories before
discussing their connection to maximal gauged SUGRAs. I will then show
how the framework can be used to deduce a ``duality'' between certain
maximal gauged SUGRAs. This will be shown explicitly for
seven-dimensional and four-dimensional gauged SUGRAs where the duality
relates IIA / IIB truncations on the same sphere / hyperboloidal
backgrounds, although in seven dimensions the resulting gauged SUGRAs
are inequivalent.
12:30-14:00hs Almuerzo
14:00-15:00hs Sebastián Franchino-Viñas
"Worldline Formalism and Noncommutative Theories"
Noncommutative quantum field theories are probably one of the most
important candidates to be an effective theory of quantum gravity. On
the other hand, the Worldline Formalism possesses great advantages in
comparison with a Feynman's diagram analysis of a theory. We then show
how to implement the worldline formalism in noncommutative theories. The
result is a master formula for the 1-loop effective action that is
applied to a number of scalar models -- among them the Grosse-Wulkenhaar
model. This model has some unusually kind properties of
renormalization. As a byproduct we find an expression for the small
propertime expansion of general nonlocal operators' Heat Kernel.
15:00-15:30hs Cafe
15:30-16:30hs Víctor Penas
"Dual Double Field Theory"
Esperamos verlos el jueves 25/8.